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This function performs the kernel-based quadratic distance goodness-of-fit tests using the Gaussian kernel with tuning parameter h.


  y = NULL,
  h = NULL,
  method = "subsampling",
  B = 150,
  b = NULL,
  Quantile = 0.95,
  mu_hat = NULL,
  Sigma_hat = NULL,
  centeringType = "Nonparam",
  K_threshold = 10,
  alternative = "skewness"

# S4 method for ANY
  y = NULL,
  h = NULL,
  method = "subsampling",
  B = 150,
  b = 0.9,
  Quantile = 0.95,
  mu_hat = NULL,
  Sigma_hat = NULL,
  centeringType = "Nonparam",
  K_threshold = 10,
  alternative = "skewness"

# S4 method for kb.test



Numeric matrix or vector of data values.


Numeric matrix or vector of data values. Depending on the input y, the corresponding test is performed.

  • if y = NULL, the function performs the tests for normality on x

  • if y is a data matrix, with same dimensions of x, the function performs the two-sample test between x and y.

  • if y is a numeric or factor vector, indicating the group memberships for each observation, the function performs the k-sample test.


Bandwidth for the kernel function. If a value is not provided, the algorithm for the selection of an optimal h is performed automatically. See the function select_h for more details.


The method used for critical value estimation ("subsampling", "bootstrap", or "permutation")(default: "subsampling").


The number of iterations to use for critical value estimation (default: 150).


The size of the subsamples used in the subsampling algorithm (default: 0.8).


The quantile to use for critical value estimation, 0.95 is the default value.


Mean vector for the reference distribution.


Covariance matrix of the reference distribution.


String indicating the method used for centering the normal kernel ('Param' or 'Nonparam').


maximum number of groups allowed. Default is 10. It is a control parameter. Change in case of more than 10 samples.


Family of alternative chosen for selecting h, between "location", "scale" and "skewness" (only if h is not provided).


Object of class kb.test


An S4 object of class kb.test containing the results of the kernel-based quadratic distance tests, based on the normal kernel. The object contains the following slots:

  • method: String indicating the normal kernel-based quadratic distance test performed.

  • x Data list of samples X (and Y).

  • Un The value of the U-statistics.

  • H0_Un A logical value indicating whether or not the null hypothesis is rejected according to Un.

  • CV_Un The critical value computed for the test Un.

  • Vn The value of the V-statistic (if available).

  • H0_Vn A logical value indicating whether or not the null hypothesis is rejected according to Vn (if available).

  • CV_Vn The critical value computed for the test Vn (if available).

  • h List with the value of bandwidth parameter used for the normal kernel function. If select_h is used, the matrix of computed power values and the corresponding power plot are also provided.

  • B Number of bootstrap/permutation/subsampling replications.

  • var_Un exact variance of the kernel-based U-statistic.

  • cv_method The method used to estimate the critical value (one of "subsampling", "permutation" or "bootstrap").


The function kb.test performs the kernel-based quadratic distance tests using the Gaussian kernel with bandwidth parameter h. Depending on the shape of the input y the function performs the tests of multivariate normality, the non-parametric two-sample tests or the k-sample tests.


Markatou, M., Saraceno, G., Chen Y (2024). “Two- and k-Sample Tests Based on Quadratic Distances.” Manuscript, (Department of Biostatistics, University at Buffalo)

Lindsay, B.G., Markatou, M. & Ray, S. (2014) "Kernels, Degrees of Freedom, and Power Properties of Quadratic Distance Goodness-of-Fit Tests", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109:505, 395-410, DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2013.836972


# create a kb.test object
x <- matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=2)
y <- matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=2)
# Normality test
my_test <- kb.test(x, h=0.5)
#>  Kernel-based quadratic distance Normality test 
#> 		U-statistic	V-statistic
#> ------------------------------------------------
#> Test Statistic:	 2.978473 	 1.098674 
#> Critical Value:	 1.466736 	 6.071062 
#> H0 is rejected:	 TRUE 		 FALSE 
#> Selected tuning parameter h:  0.5 
# Two-sample test
my_test <- kb.test(x,y,h=0.5, method="subsampling",b=0.9,
                     centeringType = "Nonparam")
#>  Kernel-based quadratic distance two-sample test 
#> U-statistics	 Dn 		 Trace 
#> ------------------------------------------------
#> Test Statistic:	 0.8134901 	 1.059493 
#> Critical Value:	 1.174737 	 1.531701 
#> H0 is rejected:	 FALSE 		 FALSE 
#> CV method:  subsampling 
#> Selected tuning parameter h:  0.5 
# k-sample test
z <- matrix(rnorm(100,2),ncol=2)
dat <- rbind(x,y,z)
group <- rep(c(1,2,3),each=50)
my_test <- kb.test(x=dat,y=group,h=0.5, method="subsampling",b=0.9)
#>  Kernel-based quadratic distance k-sample test 
#> U-statistics	 Dn 		 Trace 
#> ------------------------------------------------
#> Test Statistic:	 8.168068 	 13.92795 
#> Critical Value:	 0.6400931 	 1.092282 
#> H0 is rejected:	 TRUE 		 TRUE 
#> CV method:  subsampling 
#> Selected tuning parameter h:  0.5 